Crop Progress Aug. 2014

12 Aug

We’ve only got 25 acres left in malt barley harvest. It’s always gratifying to have most of the crop out of the field.Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm Paparazzi

Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm PaparazziThe beans are blooming and vining. If Mother Nature treats them well, they’ll be pinto beans on your plate this winter.

Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm Paparazzi

Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm Paparazzi

The corn is all tasseled and the silks are being pollinated. Did you know that each strand of silk equals one corn kernel? Learn more about this on Dairy Carrie’s blog.

Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm PaparazziThe boys are still running around like crazy keeping water running. We live in an arid part of the country, so in order to get row crops to grow, we have to use irrigation. Other parts of the state and country rely on precipitation to grow their crops. This is called “dryland”. The Wheatland Irrigation District is actually one of the largest, privately-owned irrigation districts in the world!

Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm PaparazziWe’ve had some wet weather recently. What a change this year was from last year. In 2013 we didn’t have enough water for our crops. This year, we have more than enough. In fact, a 4-inch gulley-washer caused the irrigation district to temporarily turn off most of the water a couple weeks ago.

Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm PaparazziThat’s the life of a farmer; always dependent on the weather.

Crop Progress Aug. 2014 | The Farm PaparazziBut, boy, it’s a great life!

God Bless You & American Agriculture,


Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)

3 Responses to “Crop Progress Aug. 2014”

  1. Mary Neese August 12, 2014 at 2:55 pm #

    Pinto beans?? Did someone say pinto beans??!! Grown by Tyler and Liz? They’re the best!

  2. Gabe Fernandez August 13, 2014 at 12:01 am #

    Your blog and pictures are awesome Liz! 🙂

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